Southfork Caravan Park has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information provided on our web site published on the internet is accurate at the time of inclusion. However there may be inadvertent and occasional errors, including typographical errors for which we apologise. At any time without notice information may also be updated or changed.
Southfork Caravan Park accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in their web site and any decisions based on information contained in this web site are the sole responsibility of the visitor. Southfork Caravan Park accepts no liability for any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages or any other damages of whatsoever kind resulting from whatever cause through the use of any information obtained either directly or indirectly from the Southfork Caravan Park web site.
Any visitor to the web site providing information to Southfork Caravan Park agrees that Southfork Caravan Park has unlimited rights to such information as provided and that they may use such information in anyway Southfork Caravan Park chooses.
Information given to Southfork Caravan Park will only be used to inform you of special promotions, events etc. If you do not wish us to use this information to contact you please let us know and we will respect your wishes.
Southfork Caravan Park web site contains links to other web sites. Southfork Caravan Park is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these web sites. Any links to other web sites does not mean that Southfork Caravan Park endorses or accepts any responsibility for that site. Please when visiting links from Southfork Caravan Park you take precautionary measures to ensure that the download etc from these sites is free of anything that can cause destruction.